OLD/DELETE How ENO Breathe helped me

Our Story

Following a successful pilot programme involving 12 participants in Autumn 2020, the ENO Breathe programme was rolled out nationally in January 2021.

In two years, we have worked with nearly 3000 participants, written three lullabies and performed them at the Coliseum, worked with over twenty freelance artists, won several awards, created 10 community newsletter, shared our story over 6 continents in over 100 TV, radio and media interviews.

As of September 2023, 2767 participants, from across England, have completed the ENO Breathe programme.

The Facts

  • 94% of participants said that ENO Breathe met their expectations
  • 98% would recommend ENO Breathe to others experiencing long Covid symptoms
  • 80% of participants said that their levels of breathlessness had improved
  • 73% of participants said their levels of anxiety were better
  • 80% said their general well-being improved since starting of the programme
  • 87% said that ENO Breathe had a positive impact on their General Wellbeing.

ENO Breathe is evaluated by an independent evaluator following an evaluation methodology co-designed with our colleagues at Imperial College. The methodology uses standardised healthcare metrics recognised by the NHS. Our evaluation data is analysed periodically. This study also featured in the medical journal, Lancet. 

An online breathing and wellbeing programme (ENO Breathe) for people with persistent symptoms following COVID-19: a parallel-group, single-blind, randomised controlled trial – The Lancet Respiratory Medicine

The Feeling

“I never before had an experience like this. I didn’t think things like singing could help me with my breathing and improve my recovery from Covid and it has really helped me emotionally and physically.”

“ENO made me feel like someone still cared and something was actively being done to recognise and ‘treat’ long covid and not let us become lost in the ether.”

“I definitely know that during my day to day life, I’m calling upon things that I’ve done in the course. I’ve no doubt that ENO has been one of the causes of my progress over the last six weeks.”

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