Issue 2: Introducing Sarah Lewis

In our school newsletters we will be hearing from different freelancers and teachers to find out a little bit more about them and their experiences with ENO Engage.

This time round we will be hearing from one of our wonderful primary learning specialists, Sarah Lewis.

I’m Sarah Lewis, and I work with ENO Engage as a creative learning specialist alongside my main job teaching Year 2 in a large Primary school in Oxfordshire. Like many teacher-types, I like to organise things in labelled baskets and have a penchant for nice colouring pencils. Wife, mum of two and, although I am no opera aficionado, I am an enthusiastic shower singer with an ameteur orchestral and wider Arts background. Having worked with a number of large cultural organisations to develop their primary schools offer, such as the Greater London Authority and Southbank Centre, I was thrilled when the ENO reached out to begin working together after the pandemic. 

The most important part of my role with ENO Enage is to provide the “voice of the teacher”, which includes advising on current practice in schools and ensuring appropriate links to the curriculum are made when they are producing materials for Primary age pupils. Some examples of my involvement include creating an accompanying family activity pack for AbracadOpera! – a short film in association with SkyArts,  and I am immensely proud to have been a part of creating the Primary strand of Finish This.  My role was to write the scheme of work and lesson plans, and devise/deliver the related CPD materials and sessions to participating schools. It has been incredibly rewarding to see the project continue to grow from the pilot to reaching nearly 5000 pupils this year, but also to hear how much enjoyment, progression in skill and widening participation the project is enabling. 


When I first met to discuss Finish This with the team, their energy and enthusiasm for the overall concept, but also for developing something genuinely attractive to schools, was utterly infectious! It’s a privilege to work alongside incredibly talented creatives, including the composer, dramaturg and animators who brought the ENO’s vision to life.

Each stage of development was underpinned by discussion with myself and other teachers about how logistically feasible different aspects were, ensuring we were producing an enjoyable, inspiring and impactful learning project that would offer guaranteed success for its participants. 

In fact, the thing I love the most about working with the ENO Engage team is their passion for hearing directly from teachers about what practically “works” for their settings and circumstances.

They build in regular evaluation points throughout projects to truly listen to, and act upon, the thoughts of the educators they are working with, particularly non-specialists.

Supporting non-specialists is a huge driver of ENO Engage’s mission to make opera accessible to all, and I look forward to continuing to help them deliver this in the future.