ENO Breathe Waiting List Resources

Welcome to the ENO Breathe waiting list resources page. We are working hard to get you enrolled on to the ENO Breathe programme and we will be in touch as soon as we are able to offer you a place in one of our groups.

In the meantime, here are some video and audio resources we have created to give you a taste of the programme and to demonstrate simple tips and exercises to get you started. If you have been on our waiting list for a while you will have already been sent these links, but whether they are new to you or not, we hope these resources prove useful to you while you wait to join us.

Aligning mind and body

All ENO Breathe sessions begin with taking a moment to think about the way we hold ourselves and focusing on how we breathe at rest. Good posture supports efficient breathing, speaking and singing, and being present in your body and feeling attuned to your mind prepares the soil so that new ideas might take root.

The video below will help you to align mind and body, just as we do at the start of each ENO Breathe session.

The audio track ‘3 Tips to Get Started’ contains three simple techniques that you can put into action straight away as you begin to breathe better.

Mind and Body Check In

3 Tips to Get Started

Gesture and Breath

This video demonstrates how you can connect gesture and breath – moving your body with your breath externalises the internal which can be a useful way to help calm rapid breathing and alleviate any associated anxiety. Connecting gesture to breath can make slowing your breathing feel more achievable, because slowing the pace of a movement you can see and feel, is often more manageable than trying to obey an instruction to slow your breathing.


Additional preparation for whilst you wait

All ENO Breathe 1:1 meetings and group workshop sessions will take place online, on Zoom, so we highly recommend that you use some of your time on the waiting list to familiarise yourself with the technology. This is not essential, and our team will be able to aid you in using Zoom if you’ve not used it before, but if you can look into using it before you meet with us, it may help you to feel more confident in joining the sessions! 

If you have any questions on any of the above, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at [email protected]

Our team look forward to meeting you soon.