Rachel Fox
Skills Ensemble
Rachel Fox was home educated in a small town in Cornwall and taken to festivals from her earliest years. She was encouraged to explore her creativity in music and in art, spend time in nature, climb cliff tops and trees, and to get physical outdoors!
Career Highlights
Emma acquired a taste for performing after completing a Drama course at college and soon moved to Bristol to pursue performing with a physical twist, studying at Circomedia and starting on her journey to becoming a circus performer. She has trained under prestigious teachers from Bristol and London to Stockholm and Holland. She has performed all over the world in highly acclaimed Circus and Physical Theatre productions as well as in her own award-winning projects. A keen bean and slightly hyperactive (when too much coffee is added), she is a real thrill-seeker, and loves nothing more than being thrown high up into the air (as long as she gets caught again!).
Last updated: 15th November 2017