Image of Singer Cody Quattlebaum

Cody Quattlebaum


American bass-baritone Cody Quattlebaum is quickly establishing himself as one of the most exciting new vocal talents of his generation.

Equally in demand for both operatic and concert repertoire – ranging from the Baroque to contemporary – recent and upcoming successes include Vulcan in the world premiere of Salvatore Sciarrino’s Venere e Adone directed by Georges Delnon; Don Giovanni in Simon Steen-Andersen’s new production Don Giovanni’s Inferno for his company debut at the Royal Danish Theatre; Bhishma in the world premiere of Thierry Pécou’s Until The Lions and Ratefreund in the French premiere of Braunfels’ Die Vögel, both with Opéra National du Rhin; Il Conte in Le nozze di Figaro with TheHandel and Haydn Society conducted by Raphaël Pichon; his debut atthe Israeli Opera as Figaro Le Nozze di Figaro and with San Francisco Opera as Masetto Don Giovanni.

Career Highlights

Highlights on the concert platform include Georg Muffat’s Missa in labore requies with Philharmonia Baroque; Beethoven Missa Solemnis with the Oslo Philharmonic conducted by Klaus Mäkelä; Hanns Eisler’s Deutsche Sinfonie with the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra under the baton of Carlos Miguel Prieto and a concert version of Don Giovanni at Tanglewood Festival with Boston Symphony Orchestra conducted by Andris Nelsons.

Further recent highlights include his company debut with Teatro Real as Masetto Don Giovanni under the baton of Ivor Bolton and his house debut at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden as Schaunard La bohème; his BBC Proms debut in Handel’s Jephtha; Berlioz Roméo et Juliette with the RTVE Symphony Orchestra; Mefistofele Prologue with the Oakland Symphony Orchestra; a concert tour of Bach Coffee Cantata with the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra & Chorale and Richard Egarr; a New Year’s Concert Gala at the Teatr Wielki; Don Fernando Fidelio with Marc Minkowski at the Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg; Handel Brockes Passion and Bach St John Passion – both at the Barbican with Richard Egarr and the Academy of Ancient Music and Segeste Arminio and Dettingen Te Deum at the Händel-Festspiele in Göttingen under the baton of Laurence Cummings.

As a member of the Dutch National Opera studio during the 2018/19 season, his roles included Geronimo Il matrimonio segreto and Bruno Zirato in the world premiere of Micha Hamel’s Caruso a Cuba. Prior to this, Quattlebaum was a member of the prestigious Opernhaus Zürich International Opera Studio, performing roles such as Schriftsteller in the world premiere of Der Traum von Dir, Larkens La Fanciulla del West and Zuniga in Barrie Kosky’s acclaimed production of Carmen.

Quattlebaum was a finalist in the 2018 Glyndebourne Cup 2018, the Metropolitan Opera National Council competition in 2017, and the recipient of a Sara Tucker grant from the Richard Tucker Foundation. He is an alumnus of the University of Cincinnati’s College Conservatory of Music, and the Juilliard School.

Last updated: 3rd October 2024

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