Emma Jenkins
Emma Jenkins began her career working at ENO as a staff director, after reading English at Oxford. She worked in this capacity on over 20 productions as well as directing many revivals at ENO.
Currently for ENO: Orphée
Previously for ENO: Jack the Ripper: The Women of Whitechapel
Career Highlights
Emma directed the world premiere of Mark-Anthony Turnage’s The Country of the Blind (ENO Studio at Aldeburgh Festival and QEH). She was co-librettist and associate director for the world premiere of Iain Bell’s In Parenthesis (WNO, 2016), librettist for Elena Langer’s Rhondda Rips It Up (WNO, 2018) and librettist for Iain Bell’s Jack the Ripper: The Women of Whitechapel (ENO, 2019). In 2017, 2018 and 2019 she directed the National Opera Studio residency at WNO and she will also direct their residency at WNO in 2020. Plans include the libretto for a new opera for WNO which will premiere in 2021 (details to be announced); the libretto for a community opera for Opera North which will premiere in 2020; and a play for Loud Crowd entitled A Contagious Folly.
Last updated: 29th July 2019