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Owen Reynolds
Skills Ensemble
Owen Reynolds was born in Dublin, and specialised in Juggling and Doubles Trapeze at Circomedia, Bristol, graduating in 2000.
Career Highlights
He went on to form Spot the Drop with fellow graduate Malte Steinmetz and later, Freehand Juggling, with juggler and visual artist Howie Bailey. He has previously held the position of Head of Juggling on the degree programme at the National Centre for Circus Arts, London, and continues to teach there on the degree programme.
For the past decade, he has performed and contributed on many of Gandini Juggling’s productions, and he continues to tour with them in Smashed and 4×4:Ephemeral Architectures. He is currently co-creating a piece of children’s circus with juggler Arron Sparks.
Last updated: 23rd April 2024