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Rosy Roberts
Skills Ensemble
Rosy Roberts is a physical performer, acrobat and theatre-maker.
Career Highlights
Rosy studied medicine before realising that operating theatres have neither spot lights (at least, not aimed at her face) nor adoring crowds. So she decided to swap the stethoscope for the stage. She then trained at Circomedia, completing the BA honours degree in 2015. She has since co-founded a street theatre company, The Bad Egg Theatre Company.
She has worked as a motion capture stunt monkey in The Jungle Book (Warner Brothers).
She currently works with Mimbre, performing in If I Could I Would and Wondrous Strange.
Her solo show EG(g)O was selected by judges from the Barbican, Southbank and BAFTA to be showcased at Zealous X.
Last updated: 15th November 2017