Silvia Fratelli
Skills Ensemble
Silvia Fratelli is one of the founders and Joint Artistic Directors of Mimbre. As a performer and creator, she has appeared in all ten of Mimbre’s productions and commissions touring nationally and internationally.
Career Highlights
Silvia also works as a freelance performer, most recently appearing in a Sky Arts short film alongside Kim Cattrall and a new show by circus company Nearly There Yet. Alongside her creative endeavours, she strives to understand the effects of training on the performer’s body. She organised and curated the first UK Acrobatic Symposium alongside Glen Stewart (Head of Training at National Centre for Circus Arts) and was on the steering committee for One Dance UK’s Hip-Hop Conference. She leads on developing Mimbre’s team of core acrobatic performers and Mimbre’s acrobatic well-being programme. She manages the company’s international bookings and tour logistics with strong links to the main European Street Theatre festivals and organisers.
Last updated: 27th December 2023