Sign up for ENO Breathe
ENO Breathe is a breathing and wellbeing programme for people recovering from the effects of COVID-19.
This free six-week programme is led by the English National Opera (ENO), in partnership with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.
The programme is currently only available to patients who have been medically assessed by a specialist post-COVID service in England, had confirmed COVID-19 and are still struggling with symptoms of breathlessness, and anxiety 8 weeks after recovering from the main symptoms.
Please click through to our secure online platform to sign up with your unique referral code. This will open in a new tab in your browser.
You will need your 10 digit, Unique Referral Code, provided to you by your post-covid clinic/hospital at the point of referral. If you need help registering for the programme, please consult our step-by-step registration guide.
Our waiting time is approximately 2 months, from initial registration to being contacted about a group.
Your Data: As a participant on ENO Breathe you will be asked to share with us some of your personal information and will complete important monitoring forms as part of our ongoing evaluation of the programme. Before you decide whether to participate in the programme, it is important for you to understand what data we will collect from you, why we collect it, and how we will use and store it. Please take time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish: ENO Breathe Participant Information Sheet.
Not sure if ENO Breathe is for you? Apprehensive about singing? Hesitant about meeting others online?
If you have been referred to ENO Breathe by your post-COVID service but aren’t sure if the programme is right for you, come along to one of our monthly online Q&A sessions where you can find out more about ENO Breathe before signing up. Put your questions/concerns to a member of our staff team and a past ENO Breathe participant.
These Q&A sessions are exclusively for patients who would like to ask questions before deciding to register on the programme. If you are a medical professional and would like to get in touch, please email us at [email protected].
Please note that these are not ENO Breathe sessions, and do not contain any content from the programme.
Q&A drop in sessions usually take place on the last Monday of each month, at 5:30pm.
Upcoming dates:
Monday 24th February, 5:30pm
Monday 31st March, 5:30pm
Monday 28th April, 5:30pm
Click here to join a Q&A session via Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID: 842 8336 4170
If you have just missed one of these sessions, please do feel free to email us at [email protected] and we may be able to send you some information via email.