What to expect from an ENO Breathe session

Participants from our ENO Breathe Pilot and the ENO Breathe team answer some frequently asked questions.

What will I need for sessions?

“We have made a checklist to make sure you are set up to get the most out of your sessions.

Every week, we will also be sending you an email with the Zoom link and a reminder of any material that you might need for the session coming up.”

Anya, ENO Breathe Project Manager (maternity cover)

View the Session Checklist

What if I don't like singing?

“Even though some of us are not singers, it doesn’t really matter. It just feels like you want to be in that gang, you want to join in.”

ENO Breathe participant

“It is important to understand that a deep love of singing is not a prerequisite for taking part in this programme!

For some the prospect of singing is joyful, whilst for others it is horrifying. Either of these responses is valid, and the work we do together on ENO Breathe will be of value either way.

Singing lullabies builds emotional connections with the other activities and exercises on the programme. This creates a positive emotional connection to tools and exercises to help participants to manage their symptoms, making exercises more memorable and more meaningful.”

Suzi, Creative Director of ENO Breathe

I am not a native English speaker - is ENO Breathe for me?

“As a non-native English speaker, I wasn’t sure I was going to fit in with ENO, but it has been a fantastic tool and it’s given me my confidence back.”
ENO Breathe participant

“I’m neither a singer nor a native English speaker. I feel that the content of the programme has been so well thought about for something that appeals to everyone.

So nobody feels “OK, I’m not a singer, so how can I participate?” or “I can’t speak English, English is not my first language, so how do I participate? It’s all inclusive and I think that in itself is amazing”
ENO Breathe participant

‘The lullabies we sing as part of ENO Breathe come from different cultures and have been selected specially for the programme – some are wordless, some have simple text. All are taught in a way and at a pace that is comfortable and manageable for participants’
Suzi, Creative Director of ENO Breathe

What will happen in a session?

“Each session starts with a gentle physical warm up and includes exercises that focus on aligning body, mind and breath – making sure your mind is working with your body and not against it.

We also look at breath work via singing – deepening awareness of physical sensation. There is also time to chat and reflect with other members of the group built into the sessions”

Suzi, Creative director of ENO Breathe

sample exercises below to get a flavour of ENO Breathe.

  • Posture and breath awareness
  • Release the neck and shoulder tension
  • Connecting with your breath

Will I be expected to do anything outside of sessions?

“Each week, you will be set some ENO Breathe practice to do at home – and the resources under the weekly thumbnails will help you to navigate this without too much trouble. Leaders will also refer to these exercises and others in sessions.”
Lea, ENO Breathe session leader

If you are unsure about anything or have further questions, feel free to call Tanja, Programme Manager on 07561 465 204 or by email at [email protected].