Sky Arts Access All Arts
ENO Engage are delighted to partner with Sky Arts on their nationwide Access All Arts programme
Access All Arts is a nationwide arts week for primary schools. Sky Arts have joined forces with the ENO and other leading artists and arts organisations to help bring the arts to every child in every primary school across the UK and Ireland. We are thrilled to be one of their ‘Hero Partners’ collaborating on their Sound Module and supporting pupils to discover new music, find their voices and unlock their creativity.
Over 4000 schools across the UK have signed up to the programme.
During Access All Arts week, Sky Arts will be challenging young artists across the UK and Ireland to reimagine five forms of artistic expression: Marks, Words, Sounds, Moves, Images. The programme is designed for teachers to access one artistic expression module each day, to explore the art form with their class using a rich suite of digital resources and lesson content.
An ENO singing workshop in All Souls C of E Primary School.

In ENO’s Sound Module, our three art icons, YolanDa Brown, Nicky Spence and musicians from the National Open Youth Orchestra will introduce the opera art form with dynamic introductions, demonstrations and energiser activities. We then invite the pupils to discover sounds and singing, with a range of different creative exercises and musical tasks that support them to make their own musical pieces.
In addition to this digital programme, ENO will also be delivering opera squad take over days to 5 primary schools in Leeds, alongside Teacher CPD. Our takeover days bring a lively and surprising introduction to opera with pop-up performance, assemblies and workshops, supporting whole school engagement.
Year 3 at Bushmead Primary School Luton, who took part in our national music-making programme Finish This… Schools taking part in Access all Arts Sound Module will get to take part in a one-day version of this programme.